Rational Homogeneous Varieties SMI course in Algebraic Geometry, Cortona (Italy) 1995.
These notes contains a proof of the Borel-Weil-Bott Theorem (following Demazure) and of the Ramanan Theorem on the stability of
irreducible homogeneous bundles
Note su Varietà proiettive di
codimensione piccola, INDAM course 1995, Firenze.
Note centrate sulla congettura di Hartshorne
Moduli of vector bundles and group action Wykno (Poland) Autumn school in Algebraic Geometry, 2001,
joint with Jean Vallès
Slides for the colloquium talk at Fort Collins (Colorado, USA) on "Hyperdeterminants" on May 11th, 2005
Some constructions of projective varieties graduate lecture, Barcelona 2005
Slides for the talk "Secant Varieties of Grassmann and Segre Varieties", San Diego (California, USA), Joint Mathematics Meeting, 2008
Scuola di dottorato Varietà di Grassmann in Geometria Algebrica, Gargnano 2007
Lectures on the Geometry of Tensors Notes for the Nordfjordeid (Norway) Summer School 2010
Video of talk on The Alexander-Hirschowitz Theorem, Berkeley 2008
Video of Banff talk On the syzygies of Veronese embeddings, 2012
Slides for the course "Tensors and their geometry in high dimension" at Berkeley, 2012, lecture 1, 2,3
Identifiability and weak defectivity, notes for Lukecin School in Algebraic Geometry, 2013
Effective methods for plane quartics, their theta characteristics and the Scorza map , notes for Catania School on "Plane quartics, Scorza map and related topicsâ, 2016, M2 scripts
Slides for the colloquium talk "Complexity of Matrix Multiplication and Tensor Rank" at KIAS, Seoul, February 2014
Slides for the talks at SIAM Meeting on Applied Algebraic Geometry (Colorado State University, 2013), Counting Singular Vectors of a multidimensional Tensor (with S. Friedland), Polynomial interpolation and Sum of Powers (with C. Brambilla)