Research interests
Here I present four problems that have interested me and on which I have given some contribution.
Convex Geometry
- The Covariogram Problem.
To each regular compact set K in R^n one can associate a function gK, called covariogram, or set covariance, of K.
It can be defined as the function that to each x in R^n associates the volume of the intersection of K
with its translate K+x.
Does the knowledge of gK determine K (Covariogram problem, G. Matheron 1986, R. Adler and R. Pyke, 1991 )?
If gK is radially symmetric, has K the same symmetry?
Can one understand from gK whether K is convex? What geometric information about K can one read in gK?
These questions are of interest also in Fourier analysis, Indeed, gK coincides with the convolution of
1K*1-K.( 1K denotes the characteristic function of K). Passing to Fourier transforms,
knowing gK is equivalent to knowing the modulus of the Fourier transform of 1K.
The Covariogram problem is thus an example of a Phase Retrieval problem,
and is relevant also in X-ray crystallography, in the determination of certain materials, the "quasi-crystals",
from their diffraction images.
- Symmetrizations of sets and convergence of iterates of symmetrizations.
A symmetrization, with respect to a given subspace H, is simply an operation that transform a set, for instance
compact or convex, in an H-symmetric set in the same class. In many cases of interest the
symmetrization maintain certain functionals and monotonically changes some others. The most famous examples are
the Steiner symmetrization, which maintain the volume and, in general, reduces surface area, and the Minkowski
symmetrization, which does not change the mean width and, in general, increases volume and surface area.
These operations are at the basis of the rearrangements of functions, where each level set is substituted
by its symmetrization.
A key ingredient in this is also the behaviour of the symmetrizations under iterations,
and the possibility of finding a sequence of subspaces so that the corresponding sequence of iterates of a set converges,
possibly to a ball. Steiner used these ingredients to give a proof of the isoperimetric inequality
in the class of convex bodies.
Partial Differential Equations
- Scalar curvature problem.
Problems of existence, non-existence and symmetry of solutions of some elliptic semilinear
PDE which arise in differential geometry.
An example is the scalar curvature problem (or Kazdan Warner problem), where one tries
to understand for which functions K(x) there exists a metric on Sn conformal to
the standard one and whose scalar curvature is K(x). This problem reduces to the problem
of the existence of a solution to an elliptic equation on Rn with a nonlinearity related
to the so-called ''critical exponent''.
- ''Bianchi-Egnell'' stability estimate for the Sobolev inequality.
A positive answer to a question asked by H. Brezis e E. Lieb regarding the existence of a "remainder term" in the Sobolev inequality associated to the immersion of
D^{1,2}(R^n) in L^{2n/(n-2)}(R^n): the difference between the L^2 norm of the gradient of a function u and its
L^{2n/(n-2)} norm can be bounded from below by a positive constant times the distance of u from the manifold
of the functions for which the Sobolev inequality holds with equality.