Welcome to my personal academic webpage!
I am an Assistant Professor (‘Ricercatore Tenure Track’) in Probability and Mathematical Statistics at the University of Florence, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. I hold the Italian National Scientific Habilitation as Associate Professor. I am a member of the Florence Probability Group, together with Luca Avena and Gianmarco Bet. I am currently the Erasmus+ and International Mobility Programmes Coordinator for the BSc and MSc in Mathematics of the University of Florence. For my official staff profile at the University of Florence, see here.
Previously, I was a Postdoctoral University Assistant (Universitätsassistent) at the Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien), Institute of Statistics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, in the Probability Research Unit headed by Fabio Toninelli. Before that, I was a Research Scientist at University College Dublin, School of Mathematics and Statistics, working in the group of Neil O’Connell within the ERC project Integrable Random Structures.
I hold a PhD in Statistics from the University of Warwick, where I wrote my thesis under the supervision of Nikos Zygouras.
My current research interests lie in probability theory, in particular discrete random structures, integrable probability, and random matrices, their connections with combinatorics and their applications to statistical physics.
- My paper λ-shaped random matrices, λ-plane trees, and λ-Dyck paths, joint work with Fabio D. Cunden, has been published in Electronic Journal of Probability.
- Jonas Arista, Neil O’Connell and I have been awarded a TU Wien 2023 Best Paper Award in Mathematics for the article Matrix Whittaker Processes.
- In September 2024 I joined the Florence Probability Group at the University of Florence.